Tamil KavithaigalĪnd his Poems on Womens' Freedom had a great influence on the then Tamil society. He was awarded the Sahitya Academy award for Literature in the year 1969.He was also called as 'Paventhar Bharathidasan' (People's Poet), 'Purachikavingar' (Revolutionary Poet).His poems and essays upholds artistic and moral integrity. 1) 75 Poems.pdf, 263.42 kB, Adobe PDF, View/Open Show full item record. He was greatly influenced by his mentor Bharathiar, another great Tamil poet. Title: Paramathiveloor Vattara Nattupura Padalgal Cottum Samoodhayam: Researcher: Dhinakaren P. Files in This Item: File, Description, Size, Format. In addition to poetry, his views found expression in his works of essays, plays, films, scripts. He was awarded the Sahitya Academy award for Literature in the year 1969.He was also Bharathidasan(Tamil: பாரதிதாசன்) was a twentieth century Tamil Poet and a rationalist whose literary works handled Socio-Political issues. He was greatly influenced by his mentor Bharathiar, another great Tamil poet. Photographer s Guide to the Fujifilm X10 pdf.torrent Bharathidasan Kavithaigal In Tamil Pdf Free Download Se Busca Un Muchacho Pdf Kalkulus 1 Teknik Mesin. The Bharathidasan University Results UG, PG, PHD or Diploma Odd & Even Semester Exam outcome Dates have been announced on the official website By way of this notification, all BDU University students are made aware that the results are now available. In addition to poetry, his views found expression in his works of essays, plays, films, scripts. bharathiar history, bharathiar history in tamil, bharathiar kavithaigal, bharathiar katturaigal in tamil, bharathiyar songs, bharathiyar songs in tamil. Bharathidasan(Tamil: பாரதிதாசன) was a twentieth century Tamil Poet and a rationalist whose literary works handled Socio-Political issues.